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Australia's Story
Australian Capital Territory

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Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cth)
Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cth), cover
Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cth), p1
Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cth), p2
Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cth), p3
Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cth), p4
This document was assented to by the Governor-General on 12 July 1915, after enactment of the Seat of Government Surrender Act (NSW) 1915. It created a Territory of Jervis Bay, deemed part of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and with all laws of the FCT applicable.

As well as the areas specified in the 1909 Seat of Government Acceptance and Seat of Government Surrender Acts, this Act added an additional 28 square miles of land on the south coast of New South Wales to the Territory of Jervis Bay.

There was one further adjustment to the Jervis Bay Territory in 1922 after Charles Scrivener advised on the correction of errors in the original surveys.
The Royal Australian Navy was established on 19 July 1911 and on 7 November that year a site at Captains Point on Jervis Bay was chosen for the Royal Australian Naval College. The college was officially opened on 10 February 1915.

As a means of reducing costs during the Depression, the Labor government of James Scullin closed the Royal Australian Naval College at Jervis Bay. The college was relocated to HMAS Cerberus at Flinders Naval Depot in Melbourne where it remained until the 1950s.

On 20 January 1958 the college was returned to Jervis Bay with its commissioning as HMAS Creswell.
This document comprises four paper pages bound inside a parchment cover with blue silk ribbon. The Assent signature of the Governor-General is on page 4, and the Clerk of the Senate has signed the first page. The style of tying the ribbon also indicates this Act originated in the Senate. This was Commonwealth Act 19 of 1915.

Long Title:An Act to Provide for the Acceptance of certain Territory Surrendered by the State of New South Wales to the Commonwealth (Act 19 of 1915)
No. of pages:Cover + 4 pages
Medium:Parchment and paper, bound with blue silk ribbon
Measurements:29.4 x 22.5 cm
Provenance:The Senate
Features:The ceremonial elements – the ribbon and Royal Arms on the front cover, and the Assent signature of the Governor-General on the fourth page.
Location & Copyright:National Archives of Australia
Reference:NAA: A1559, 1915/19